コロナ“第10波”到来か 患者が急増 40℃近い発熱も【スーパーJチャンネル】(2024年1月23日) ▶3:01
コロナ“第10波”到来か 患者が急増 40℃近い発熱も【スーパーJチャンネル】(2024年1月23日) ▶1:44
全国コロナ患者数「16.15人」11週連続で増加 インフルも4週連続増(2024年2月9日) ▶1:32
全国コロナ患者数「16.15人」11週連続で増加 インフルも4週連続増(2024年2月9日) ▶0:51
新型コロナウイルス“第10波”か 新たな変異株「JN.1」拡大【知ってもっと】【グッド!モーニング】(2024年1月24日) ▶9:00
新型コロナウイルス“第10波”か 新たな変異株「JN.1」拡大【知ってもっと】【グッド!モーニング】(2024年1月24日) ▶10:14
コロナ発表2週間前に解析終了か 「中国の研究員が米政府と共有」(2024年1月19日) ▶6:32
コロナ発表2週間前に解析終了か 「中国の研究員が米政府と共有」(2024年1月19日) ▶0:42
【新型コロナ第9波】「7週連続の増加」「喉のイガイガ、かゆみから始まります」「でも受診していいの?」...「今もし感染したら」を専門医が解説【MBSニュース解説】(2023年7月12日) ▶1:06
【新型コロナ第9波】「7週連続の増加」「喉のイガイガ、かゆみから始まります」「でも受診していいの?」...「今もし感染したら」を専門医が解説【MBSニュース解説】(2023年7月12日) ▶5:09
新たなコロナ変異株「JN.1」は怖い?「症状は今までと同じ」「恐れることはない」と専門家【Nスタ解説】|TBS NEWS DIG ▶2:28
新たなコロナ変異株「JN.1」は怖い?「症状は今までと同じ」「恐れることはない」と専門家【Nスタ解説】|TBS NEWS DIG ▶4:01
[LIVE] Coronavirus Pandemic: Real Time Dashboard, World Maps, Charts, News ▶2:24
[LIVE] Coronavirus Pandemic: Real Time Dashboard, World Maps, Charts, News ▶3:41
第9波?新型コロナ患者が急増 新変異株「エリス」「ピロラ」とは【Nスタ解説】|TBS NEWS DIG ▶0:35
第9波?新型コロナ患者が急増 新変異株「エリス」「ピロラ」とは【Nスタ解説】|TBS NEWS DIG ▶8:40
10 Most Common COVID-19 Symptoms Now ▶3:39
中国で新変異ウイルス「JN.1」流行の可能性|TBS NEWS DIG ▶4:34
中国で新変異ウイルス「JN.1」流行の可能性|TBS NEWS DIG ▶7:24
COVID-19 cases rising in U.S. as new "variant of interest" emerges ▶47:29
COVID-19 cases rising in U.S. as new "variant of interest" emerges ▶2:26
COVID-19 and RSV cases on the rise ▶4:41
COVID-19 cases back on the rise ▶0:21
COVID cases on the rise as new variant JN.1 takes hold ▶2:40
New COVID-19 variant triggers biggest case spike in a year | 9 News Australia ▶1:30
New COVID-19 variant triggers biggest case spike in a year | 9 News Australia ▶5:18
JN.1, new COVID-19 variant, is fastest-growing strain in U.S. ▶27:35
【思い】新型コロナ後遺症の女子高校生…寝たきり状態 実名で取材に応じた胸の内とは【長野・岡谷市】 ▶13:00
【思い】新型コロナ後遺症の女子高校生…寝たきり状態 実名で取材に応じた胸の内とは【長野・岡谷市】 ▶10:30
Covid-19 "Still Circulating, Changing, And Killing": UN health Agency Chief ▶5:16
Covid-19 "Still Circulating, Changing, And Killing": UN health Agency Chief ▶7:28
Highly mutated COVID-19 variant found in at least 10 states ▶9:04
Highly mutated COVID-19 variant found in at least 10 states ▶2:20
都内でバス運休も 薬局では「咳止め薬」が不足…コロナ感染者は5類移行後「最多」【news23】|TBS NEWS DIG ▶26:07
都内でバス運休も 薬局では「咳止め薬」が不足…コロナ感染者は5類移行後「最多」【news23】|TBS NEWS DIG ▶1:54
Life of Frontline Workers During Covid-19 | Lockdown: India Fights Coronavirus | National Geographic ▶2:56
Life of Frontline Workers During Covid-19 | Lockdown: India Fights Coronavirus | National Geographic ▶12:22
Who can get a Covid booster this spring and how can you book? ▶11:05
Who can get a Covid booster this spring and how can you book? ▶13:38
New COVID Variants and a Rise in Cases - What We Know About EG.5 (Eris) and BA.2.86 ▶28:20
New COVID Variants and a Rise in Cases - What We Know About EG.5 (Eris) and BA.2.86 ▶15:08
Symptoms of Coronavirus Disease 2019 ▶4:03
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) ▶1:39
Gravitas | COVID-19 Cases Surge in India: New Subvariant Raises Concerns | WION ▶2:00
Gravitas | COVID-19 Cases Surge in India: New Subvariant Raises Concerns | WION ▶11:47
New COVID-19 Vaccine Recommendation ▶5:15
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) ▶22:02
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) ▶2:37
Will COVID-19 ever go away? ▶12:24
Coronavirus COVID-19 | Viral Structure & Pathogenesis ▶6:32
COVID-19: Singapore authorises updated Pfizer vaccine targeting newer variants ▶6:31
COVID-19: Singapore authorises updated Pfizer vaccine targeting newer variants ▶2:28
How Coronavirus Became a Global Pandemic | WSJ ▶0:43
COVID-19 Animation: What Happens If You Get Coronavirus? ▶26:07
COVID-19 Animation: What Happens If You Get Coronavirus? ▶5:19
What you need to know about COVID / October 2023 ▶4:35
How COVID-19 Affects Your Lungs ▶11:54:56
A look back at the COVID-19 pandemic | COVID-19 Special ▶9:43:35
New variant of COVID-19 comes with symptoms not seen before ▶50:39
New variant of COVID-19 comes with symptoms not seen before ▶3:16
COVID-19 EG.5 variant spreading through U.S. ▶2:31
Coronavirus COVID-19 Symptoms, Causes, Prevention Nursing Review ▶2:16
Coronavirus COVID-19 Symptoms, Causes, Prevention Nursing Review ▶8:57
How Coronavirus Kills: Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) & COVID 19 Treatment ▶6:52
How Coronavirus Kills: Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) & COVID 19 Treatment ▶9:38
MedCram - Medical Lectures Explained CLEARLY ▶6:25:10
Novel Coronavirus (2019 nCoV 🦠 Outbreak 😷) [Update * 1] COVID-19 ▶4:53
Novel Coronavirus (2019 nCoV 🦠 Outbreak 😷) [Update * 1] COVID-19 ▶5:59
COVID-19 (SARS Coronavirus 2) - timeline, pathophysiology (ARDS), coronavirus life cycle, treatment ▶3:01
COVID-19 (SARS Coronavirus 2) - timeline, pathophysiology (ARDS), coronavirus life cycle, treatment ▶11:40
How the Covid-19 pandemic began ▶1:15
How COVID-19 Affects the Body ▶4:16
How the COVID-19 virus is transmitted ▶1:32
How coronavirus (Covid-19) spread day by day ▶1:54
Coronavirus COVID Treatment | How To Get Rid Of COVID Coronavirus Recovery ▶10:33:29
Coronavirus COVID Treatment | How To Get Rid Of COVID Coronavirus Recovery ▶1:59
The Story of Coronavirus · Part 1 ▶2:19
Origen y causas de la pandemia del coronavirus | Pandemia: Covid- 19 ▶4:03
Origen y causas de la pandemia del coronavirus | Pandemia: Covid- 19 ▶1:38
COVID is surging again. Here’s what to know and why experts encourage caution ▶1:09
COVID is surging again. Here’s what to know and why experts encourage caution ▶2:01
COVID is surging again. Here’s what to know and why experts encourage caution ▶1:30
COVID is surging again. Here’s what to know and why experts encourage caution ▶0:38
John Yang,Lorna Baldwin,Kaisha Young,Juliet Fuisz ▶5:14
Will COVID-19 still be a concern in 2024? ▶2:47
Chinese lab crafts mutant COVID-19 strain with 100% kill rate in ‘humanized’ mice ▶1:09
Chinese lab crafts mutant COVID-19 strain with 100% kill rate in ‘humanized’ mice ▶1:35
Coronavirus after-effects and treatment options | COVID-19 Special ▶1:34
Coronavirus after-effects and treatment options | COVID-19 Special ▶2:09
The shocking centre of the COVID-19 crisis ▶2:04
5 things to know about the new COVID vaccine ▶6:28
Covid 19 News LIVE Updates: New Covid 19 Subvariant JN.1 Triggers Alarm | Coronavirus Alert In India ▶4:26
Covid 19 News LIVE Updates: New Covid 19 Subvariant JN.1 Triggers Alarm | Coronavirus Alert In India ▶26:24
COVID 19 News LIVE Updates: COVID Cases Rise In South India| Corona Virus News | India Today Live ▶6:57
COVID 19 News LIVE Updates: COVID Cases Rise In South India| Corona Virus News | India Today Live ▶2:06
COVID-19 | Coronavirus: Epidemiology, Pathophysiology, Diagnostics ▶5:28
COVID-19 | Coronavirus: Epidemiology, Pathophysiology, Diagnostics ▶2:25
Covid-19 - Timeline Of A Pandemic ▶11:33
Australians most vulnerable to COVID-19 are the least vaccinated. Here's how the government's responding ▶1:44
Australians most vulnerable to COVID-19 are the least vaccinated. Here's how the government's responding ▶2:35
political reporter Georgia Roberts,data journalist Markus Mannheim ▶2:06
How vaccines work against COVID-19: Science, Simplified ▶
【新型コロナ第9波】 現在流行中の変異株『XBB系統』は“免疫逃避”の可能性「ワクチンで獲得した抗体が効かなくなるかも」【MBSニュース解説】(2023年6月19日) ▶
【新型コロナ第9波】 現在流行中の変異株『XBB系統』は“免疫逃避”の可能性「ワクチンで獲得した抗体が効かなくなるかも」【MBSニュース解説】(2023年6月19日) ▶
What to know about the new COVID variant EG.5 ▶
Coronavirus disease named Covid-19 - BBC News ▶
Covid-19 JN.1 Variant News Live Updates: Covid-19 Case On 7 Months High In India | Covid-19 News ▶
Covid-19 JN.1 Variant News Live Updates: Covid-19 Case On 7 Months High In India | Covid-19 News ▶
¿Qué es el Coronavirus? Causas y origen ▶
The Spread of Coronavirus in 2 Years (First Case to 260 Million Cases) ▶
The Spread of Coronavirus in 2 Years (First Case to 260 Million Cases) ▶
'Pirola' variante de Covid-19: ¿Cuáles son y por qué es más contagiosa? ▶
'Pirola' variante de Covid-19: ¿Cuáles son y por qué es más contagiosa? ▶
How does coronavirus attack your body? | COVID-19 Special ▶
What to Say When A Household Member Won’t Get Vaccinated ▶
What to Say When A Household Member Won’t Get Vaccinated ▶
What is 'Eris,' the new COVID variant? ▶
WHO warns of concerning trends for COVID-19 in the northern hemisphere ▶
WHO warns of concerning trends for COVID-19 in the northern hemisphere ▶
Update on COVID-19 variant B.2.86 ▶
Chinese Scientists ‘Create’ MUTANT CORONAVIRUS With 100% Kill Rate in Mice: Alina Chan REACTS ▶
Chinese Scientists ‘Create’ MUTANT CORONAVIRUS With 100% Kill Rate in Mice: Alina Chan REACTS ▶
COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019): Tips on Protecting Yourself ▶
COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019): Tips on Protecting Yourself ▶
COVID and flu vaccines rolled out in England as new coronavirus variant emerges in the UK ▶
COVID and flu vaccines rolled out in England as new coronavirus variant emerges in the UK ▶
Covid 19 Alert LIVE: Kerala Sees Spike In Covid Cases | Karnataka Covid 19 News | Coronavirus News ▶
Covid 19 Alert LIVE: Kerala Sees Spike In Covid Cases | Karnataka Covid 19 News | Coronavirus News ▶
A new COVID-19 variant pushes up cases in the US ▶
The scientists tracking new COVID-19 variants — before it’s too late ▶
The scientists tracking new COVID-19 variants — before it’s too late ▶
Global effort to contain the coronavirus ▶
Covid-19 : quels symptômes provoque le « supervariant » Pirola ? ▶
Covid-19 : quels symptômes provoque le « supervariant » Pirola ? ▶
新型コロナの罹患後症状(いわゆる後遺症)について "post COVID-19 condition" ▶
新型コロナの罹患後症状(いわゆる後遺症)について "post COVID-19 condition" ▶
Florida Surgeon General calls for halt to COVID-19 vaccine, citing possible cancer risks ▶
Florida Surgeon General calls for halt to COVID-19 vaccine, citing possible cancer risks ▶
​​Who Should Be Getting the New COVID-19 Booster Shot? ▶
Government relaunches free COVID tests website ▶
The Complete History of Coronavirus (Infection Rate %) ▶
World Health Organization declares coronavirus a pandemic | ABC News ▶
World Health Organization declares coronavirus a pandemic | ABC News ▶
Covid-19 : rebond épidémique, l'OMS appelle à la vigilance ▶
What you need to know about the new dominant COVID-19 HV.1 variant | WION Originals ▶
What you need to know about the new dominant COVID-19 HV.1 variant | WION Originals ▶
How Long Are You Contagious with COVID-19? | UC San Diego Health ▶
How Long Are You Contagious with COVID-19? | UC San Diego Health ▶
COVID-19 Outbreak: 5 Cases Confirmed In The U.S. So Far | NBC Nightly News ▶
COVID-19 Outbreak: 5 Cases Confirmed In The U.S. So Far | NBC Nightly News ▶
COVID data indicates surge in cases ▶
State of emergency declared in New York City over coronavirus ▶
State of emergency declared in New York City over coronavirus ▶
Coronavirus outbreak: WHO declares COVID-19 a global pandemic ▶
Coronavirus outbreak: WHO declares COVID-19 a global pandemic ▶
WION Wideangle: The story of the Wuhan Virus | WION News | COVID-19 Pandemic ▶
WION Wideangle: The story of the Wuhan Virus | WION News | COVID-19 Pandemic ▶
Could the COVID-19 pandemic end in 2023? | DW News ▶
Health officials keeping an eye on new COVID variant | GMA ▶
How Coronavirus Attacks the Body | NYT News ▶
CHINA | La alarmante cepa mutante de coronavirus creada por científicos chinos ▶
CHINA | La alarmante cepa mutante de coronavirus creada por científicos chinos ▶
¡Regresa el Coronavirus!: Conoce los síntomas de Eris, la nueva variante del COVID-19 ▶
¡Regresa el Coronavirus!: Conoce los síntomas de Eris, la nueva variante del COVID-19 ▶
WHO warns Covid 'has not gone away' | Latest News | WION ▶
WHO warns Covid 'has not gone away' | Latest News | WION ▶
Covid Vaccine Study Finds Links to Health Conditions - 2/20/2024 ▶
Covid Vaccine Study Finds Links to Health Conditions - 2/20/2024 ▶
COVID-19 now includes new symptom, doctors warn ▶


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