Kokugakuin University Introductory Video (in English, 3min.) ▶2:45
國學院大學PV(メイン映像)「もっと日本を、もっと世界へ」 ▶4:36
國學院大學「本でできた大学」 ▶4:59
受験生の方 – 國學院大學 ▶0:16
國學院大學CM(15秒) ▶3:04
國學院大學「サクラサク」 ▶0:32
國學院大學CM(30秒) ▶2:26
國學院大學校歌 ▶5:48
國學院大學「観月祭」 ▶1:18
Scene from Kangetsusai festival at Kokugakuin University (1 of 2) [RAW VIDEO] ▶3:03
【國學院大學】渋谷キャンパス紹介|日本を学び、夢・世界に羽ばたく!! ▶4:55
國學院大學全學應援團 國大小唄 ▶2:27
國學院大學の学食 ~ Kokugakuin University School Cafeteria ▶0:31
Kangetsusai Festival at Kokugakuin University ▶0:13
【國學院大學 学食】カレーライス (カフェラウンジ若木が丘/渋谷) 【Kokugakuin University】Curry (Cafe Lounge Wakagigaoka / Shibuya) ▶11:02
國學院大學博物館紹介ムービー(山種美術館紹介+連携館マップ) ▶6:53
2018 All Japan Invitational College Championship Preliminary Waseda univ Kokugakuin Univ Keio Univ ▶1:00
國學院大學渋谷キャンパス和2021(カラー字幕対応) ▶8:55
2018 All Japan Invitational College Championship Men's team 1stR Oberlin Univ vs Kokugakuin Univ ▶0:27
【國學院大學 学食】カツカレー(和[NAGOMI]/渋谷) Kokugakuin University Cafeteria] Curry with pork cutlet ▶4:50
御幣を作る!How to make a gohei(Offering used at Shinto rituals) !! 企画展「ホワッツ神道ー神道入門ー」より ▶5:36
狩衣を着る!How to wear a kariginu(Robe of Shinto Priest)企画展「ホワッツ神道ー神道入門ー」より ▶2:20
國學院大學全學應援團 神主小唄 ▶31:45
Find in video from 00:10 Introduction to University of Cincinnati ▶2:51
The College Tour: University of Cincinnati [Full Episode] ▶11:56
The "Kojiki" narrated by artifacts〔Chap.1〕English cap. ver. ▶40:04
Find in video from 00:02 Introduction to KOGASEIN University ▶5:38
【ENG】KOGAKUIN UNIVERSITY Catch Your Dream! -Study in JAPAN- ▶11:16
What is life like at the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign? | The College Tour at UIUC ▶22:30
國學院大學「古文書読解人」 ▶13:28
Introducing The University of Tokyo ▶5:18
Seoul National University campus tour 서울대학교 Seoul, South Korea 4K ▶9:31
2018 All Japan College Students Championship Tournament Men's team 2ndR Nihon Univ VS Ritsumeikan ▶47:54
Permanent Exhibition! Archaeology #1: Prehistoric Art ▶4:28
2012 Kokugakuin Express スぺシャル 箱根の旅(前編) ▶19:05
Find in video from 0:00 Welcome to University of Oregon ▶14:58
The College Tour | University of Oregon ▶5:53
國學院大學 平成24年度卒業式 ▶9:41
Kofun: Japan's Megalithic Tombs ▶11:40
【日本語の会話】大学の先生と大学生活について話す 【Japanese Conversation】 ▶4:22
Find in video from 0:00 Introduction to Parul University ▶5:59
Parul University, Vadodara Gujarat - An Overview ▶17:31
Yonsei University Campus Tour ▶27:35
Coventry University 🇬🇧 | Tour & Review | Best Course ? | With English Subtitle | Indie Traveller ▶4:17
Bboy Victor Worlshop Tour in JAPAN ▶0:31
Find in video from 0:00 Introduction to Deakin University ▶11:54
The Pros and Cons of Studying at Deakin University ▶14:30
🎓♯50【4K】國學院大学へご案内【行き方/アクセス/渋谷駅】The way to Kokugakuin Univ.JAPAN TOKYO walking tour guide.SHIBUYA ▶4:58
Judo in Japan, World-Class Judo Seminar & Training Camp | Day 1 of The Japan Judo Camp & Tour ▶2:00:05
國學院大學吹奏楽部 建国記念の日 明治神宮奉納演奏 2025年2月11日 Kokugakuin University Brass Band National Foundation Day ▶0:13
You Got This | Kiyoto Hirabayashi + Yasuhiro Maeda | adidas ▶8:11
祈りを知れば表現が豊かになる | 木下 英大 | TEDxFukuoka ▶20:14
Find in video from 00:17 University Experience ▶11:02
Mistakes to avoid at university: 10 tips & advice from a graduate | ad ▶0:16
John Kennedy: Columbia University admin believes in right to hurt... ▶2:56
Rikkyo University vs Kokugakuin University | Japan KCBF Champs LIVE ▶2:23
Kokugakuin University Secures 3rd at Hakone Ekiden 2025 ▶0:06
2019 All Kanto College Championship Tournament Qualification Kokugakuin University ▶21:40
Find in video from 15:30 JM University Campus ▶1:36
JAIN UNIVERSITY - ENGINEERING CAMPUS TOUR | Hostel Tour | All the Details You Need ▶0:46
UNIVERSITY OF GHANA LEGON Campus Tour 2022 - Accra | Most Premium University in Ghana? ▶7:10
青山学院大学、箱根駅伝2025で連覇達成! ▶7:50
入試情報|国士舘大学 ▶8:39
國學院大學「横浜たまプラーザキャンパス」 ▶1:13:09
Find in video from 0:00 Introduction to Kokugakuin University ▶4:36
This is Kokugakuin *4 國學院大學 経済学部・経済学科 ▶2:27
【國學院大學 学食】ざるうどん大盛 和NAGOMI/渋谷 [Kokugakuin University] Zaru Udon Large Portion Japanese ▶6:56
Young Adults On Divorce, Alimony, And Marriages ft. Ankit | Jist ▶2:28
國學院大學Open Campus 2011 CM ▶43:38
國學院大學博物館 ▶27:26
Find in video from 00:14 Introduction to Waseda University ▶5:58
Japanese University Life: American Student at Waseda Grad School 早稲田大学の留学生 ▶25:13
How to Fill Jamia Millia Islamia University Application Form 2025 Step-by-Step Guide for All Courses ▶2:54
Walking around Hiroo and Azabu, Tokyo, 4k Japan ▶11:54:59
国学院大学CM Kokugakuin University Commercial Film ▶23:00
【歌詞付き】國學院大學校歌 ▶5:28
Kurukshetra University Documentary Film ▶6:55
國學院大學和装デー告知PV あと4日 ▶11:49
BREAKING: Trump CUTS $400 Million from Columbia University Over Rampant Antisemitism ▶7:57
KIIT University Is Way More Corrupt Than You Think - Prakriti Lamsal Case ▶1:57
【ゆっくり解説】森有礼と日本語廃止論【歴史解説】 ▶3:26
國學院大學「國學院の好きなところ」 ▶59:21
Kei Nishikori (錦織 圭) Vs Jaume Munar 1st Round Highlights - Indian Wells 2025 ▶8:01
Exploring Ichiro's College Baseball Journey at Kokugakuin Kugayama - Part 1 ▶8:14
LIVE: Jerome Powell Speaks at the Economic Outlook, Chicago | Global Trade War | Trump Tariffs |N18G ▶7:32
Computer Science | Constructor University ▶5:48
企画展「縄文早期の居家以人骨と岩陰遺跡」を特別解説! ▶3:12
Stroll with me around the University of Greenwich | Campus tour ▶4:57
Joe & Andrew On DOGE & Trump's State Of The Union Address ▶26:46
HOW TO APPLY to UK UNIVERSITIES in 5 steps (international students) ▶3:08
Intense Randori Showdown! | 2024 Japan Judo Tour Experience ▶10:24
【建築さんぽ】國學院大學(渋谷キャンパス)【建物探訪】 ▶0:06
First day at University| First scary lecture (Monsters University) ▶9:23
5th Ishibashi Foundation Lecture - Lecture 1: Karl Friday ▶6:51
Find in video from 00:01 Introduction to University of Tokyo ▶1:35:14
A Day in the Life: University of Tokyo ▶2:26
The "Kojiki" narrated by artifacts〔Chap.2〕English cap. ver. ▶18:47
Top 10 Most Beautiful Universities in China ▶17:01
How to Apply Online Degree Certificate|| CCS UNIVERSITY MEERUT || ▶8:00
國學院大學全學應援團 校歌 ▶3:59
國學院大學「英語意識革命」 ▶2:30
Federal Reserve Chair Powell speaks at Chicago Booth's monetary policy forum — 3/7/2025 ▶
國學院大學 平成25年度入学式 ▶
芥川賞作家 諏訪哲史さん(卒業生)スペシャルインタビューPart3 ▶
Hirabayashi brings a win for Kokugakuin University at Izumo Ekiden 🇯🇵 出雲駅伝優勝國學院大学6区区間賞 - 平林清登 ▶
國學院大學「アサッテの人」 ▶
【大学紹介】國學院大學_キャンパス紹介 ▶
Trump Cuts Off Funding To Columbia University - Drinkin' Bros Podcast Episode 1469 ▶
This is Kokugakuin *6 國學院大學 観光まちづくり学部・観光まちづくり学科 ▶
Kokugakuin Express特別号 第88回 箱根駅伝スペシャル ▶
カザフ国立芸術大学での能「巻絹」 ( 2014•9•25 ) Казахский Национальный Университет Искусств Ho「Makiginu」 ▶
🎓♯49【4K】日本をもっと世界へ!國學院大学へ8分でご案内【行き方アクセス|渋谷駅恵比寿駅】The way to Kokugakuin Univ. JAPAN TOKYO waking tour ▶
國學院大學「企業経営のソムリエ」 ▶
Chinese PhD student convicted of serial rape in London ▶


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